miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2019

Paranormal activity and Poltergeist

 Poltergeist are paranormal forces that move things to perturbe the habitants of the house that live there. We collected some information about thit theme, poltergeist are importan part of the German folklore, and the ethimology of the word is "polterm" that means "Make noise" and "Geist" that means "Ghost". We found some videos that prove the existence of this phenomenon, in those videos the things moved by they own, other things open and close, and other things levitated by they own even persons levitate fot that phenomenon. This forces can change his form to look like members of the family.

 We have evidence by a testimony that makes one of us. She says that she was in her room changing her clothes to go out, and she felt that her makeup box fell down with no reason, another time she says that her sister says that she was with her mom, she was young like 8 or  9 years old, and they were to the mom's room while her sister was with her brothers in the other side of the house, when her sister came to the mom's room, she said she was sitting in the little car that she had, when she saw her and called by her name, and said that the kid turn on his head in 180° and her face was horrible, like the girl of the exorsist. Another testimony that we have is that "Maria" had a sister and she told her that she saw Maria in the kitchen doing weird stuff, and then the true Maria showed up, and her sister said to her: "How did you do that? you were in the kitchen before a couple minutes" and Maria said "Don't be a liar, I was in the yard".

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